• Your go-to eBook for everything you need to enter parenthood

    Many parents spend time poring over their birthing plan - and fair enough! - but what about the Other Plan? You know, the plan for when the baby is here! Bump to Baby is here to bridge that gap and walk alongside new parents as they tackle what's to come.

  • From the mind of a Maternal Child Health Nurse/Midwife and the heart of a mum...

    Featuring five sections over 90 pages to boost your confidence and give you the answers to your biggest questions. Baby, Body, Mind, Home & Postnatal Planner has you covered.

  • At your fingertips - the info you never knew you needed

    Is this normal? When to spend and when to save? Sort through the chaos with support right by your side. From bath time to bonding, kit lists to breast/bottle feeding essentials, this book will leave you feeling more confident and ready for life with your baby.

  • So I can access all of this for free...but why?!

    I truly believe that such crucial info and support for parents shouldn't have a price tag! Discover ways to support Safe Hands without breaking the bank – it's all in the guide. No worries if you can't pay a cent; I'm just excited that anyone and everyone can access this support.

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